I mean other than me being ridiculously gifted when it comes to snowboarding, just call me Princess Elsa.
Well not much as far as your men are concerned Scandinavia. I maneuvered myself into the barren tundra of Lap Land for the entirety of last week and I swear to you the boys were actually scared of the girls, pity they are so blond with well structured cheekbones and.. It makes sense to me now how the beautiful elf-like waif of a girl I was staying with had been a virgin up until 3 months ago and it was not out of choice.
Somehow between leaving London and getting back to Finland she has racked up an incredible number of sexters and tinderers yet still pines for her handsome Portuguese ex boyfriend.
I do understand one of my current team of gentlemen is Portuguese and he has the stamina of a race horse.