Friday, 21 June 2013


Kinky is one of my favourite words.  Mostly because its open to interpretation but still means the same thing: cue Urban Dictionary!
"Foot-sucking, rubber wearing, pee on me, fruit-fuckin', candlewax drippin', long fingernail scrapin', tossed salad eatin',multiple partner havin', she-male, oil-drenched, chocolate sauce, whipped cream covered,vibrator usin',dress-up,banned in 30 states type of sex."
Ok as per not very useful.
(But 10 points to anyone who can tell me whats banned in 30 states that is not incest, beastiality, necrophilia or paedophilia)
Quick poll of my pure, virtuous(ish) non-whore friends revealed that kinky includes handcuffs, blindfolds and "those feather stick things". Yes everyone. Those feather stick things. Also includes your man if choices tie if you're really hardcore. (thanks Mr Grey, appreciate it..)
But what about a ball gag? I purred back to them, surely you can't do without a gag?  Wrong Charlotte.
Gags are too far.
The girls looked mildly interested (whether that's on being gagged or gagging their partner remains to be seen) the boys.. well from their expressions I'm pretty sure they were reliving that scene from Pulp Fiction.
My friend Mistress Holly hates the word (thats our conversation you can see) completely sets her on edge, god help her subs who dare utter those syllables in her presence, there's a reason I asked her online you know.
I coaxed Ace into a bit of kink last week. Tied his hand together with my vintage scarf Catherine Tramell style although sans ice pick. That was all peachy untill our mutual friend wandered into the room. Not sure what he enjoyed more.. (just kidding)
Kinky to me though, thats anything I won't do....

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