Monday, 16 September 2013


I should probably write a bit about Ace's friend.

Lolly, like lollipop. Because she is so cute.

Shes Italian like Ace, shes about the same height as me, maybe a few inches taller and has pretty, brown Bambi eyes. I want to carry her about in a basket.

Actually I plan on dressing her up, in cute, fluffy pink things and taking her into the city for tea, so much fun.

I told her last night but her English is not advanced enough to understand and my Italian does not stretch to "I want to dress you up and show you off to my friends" so Ace translated.

After the Whiskey from the pub and mid-cake, champagne and frilly dresses fantasy I didn't listen to what Ace was saying until I heard: Kamira.

Mistress Kamira has a puppy. She dresses him up and takes him for walks in the woods. She's too pretty to be dragged through the dirt like that.

Silly Ace.

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