Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Happy St Patricks and a Dilemma...

Firstly Happy St Patricks Day all all my Irish friends and everyone else.

This year Blondie told me that St Patrick chased all the snakes out of Ireland so they could drink their Guinness in peace which was what I should have been letting her do instead of wondering who St Patrick actually was, but shes Irish so she much be right!

Onto my dilemma. It was James (my ex boyf I'm still friends with)'s birthday on Sunday but as far as I know he was busy and I was drunk- see previous paragraph for details. So me and his most recent Ex Girlf who happens to look and act exactly like me hatched a plan.


Why not?

I haven't been for years and I'm pretty sure XG2 has never been. So, here's the question... what do you men like to eat?

All suggestions welcome and bonus points for anything I can get hold of in Covent Garden!

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