Saturday, 29 March 2014

Spanking Saturday

After a lie in (9am?!) and an episode of Boardwalk Empire- if you interested I'm on season two and its really really good, a definite must watch! As well as having to actually deal with the fact Ace might be moving abroad for work (I know... It's heartbreaking) I decided to pop into my all time favorite department store to check out luggage for my trip to Florence I'm planning at the end of April.

Who should I run I to? But Nate (you remember him from this time last year, incase you don't he's a porn star I worked with for a while and it didn't end amiably..) anyway it amazing what Champagne and oysters can fix especially from The Selfriges Food Court. 

As I'm not a big drinker, until 7pm anyway I thought a coffee may be in order and hit up Antonio's coffee shop in Marylebone. No silly it's not called Antonio's. But they do a very decent latte, one even Ace couldn't complain about. Since then I've been sitting whatsapping (is that a verb?) to Warren an old friend of mine from finishing school who is taking me to an unexplored dungeon (and for dinner) next Saturday evening in the city.

Oh I am so exciting, not often I get to run amok in my panties in a soundproofed room filled with whips and chains. It's a big different going from working in a hardcore playroom with suspension equipment and cages to a more domestic setting. Not that I hate working in Marylebone you understand, indeed I love it but obviously a love in the less locked in a dark room kind of way.

Watch this space.

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